
Wet On Dry Watercolor Technique

What are the benefits of using wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique on every painting media? Are there any basic steps to follow with wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique? When are wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique best to apply with?


  • 1 The Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique And Why You Should Try Them
    • 1.1 The Benefits Of Using Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique
    • 1.2 Best Painting Medium For Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Technique Application
    • 1.3 Other Painting Technique That You Must Try For Your Next Painting Session

The Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique And Why You Should Try Them

Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique
Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique

There are many great benefits with using wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique on your every painting sessions. With wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique, these two particular techniques produce different effects on your painting canvas. That is why you need to study the difference between both techniques to further check which will suit you best and the kind of results that you preferred.

If you are looking for crisp and sharp edges and lines on your painting surface. Then wet-on-dry painting will give you that certain effect. While wet-on-wet will help create a dynamic blending of two wet colors or paints under the same painting surface.

The Benefits Of Using Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique

There are many benefits of using wet on wet and wet on dry painting technique. One of that is the effects it produces on your painting surface. The effects totally depend on how the artist wants it on their paintings. If you are into an abstract kind of sharp edges and shapes of colors, then wet-on-dry is a great technique to try. The best way to execute this painting technique is to let the layer of paint that you wanted to apply with to be completely dried to prevent any mixed up of two colors together.

On the contrary, you can create the opposite effects with wet-on-wet painting as you allow the underpainting still or partially wet and apply another batch of totally fresh paints over it. There, you can see the results and the unique color blending on your painting surface.

Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique
Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique

The best way to achieve the kind of color blends that you like with wet-on-wet is by a continuous process of getting exposure to the painting technique. That way you can experiment and predict the outcome of your paint easily and nicely. You can take advantage of these effects if you are into a mystery type of painting or just simply want to defuse the colors on your painting canvas or painting surface.

To help you understand each color you are working with and to remember what colors will you achieve for wet-on-wet painting technique, you can create a personalized chart of your choice. That way you can track the different colors and get familiarize with each color outcome and predictions. This will help you get in the best mood and the best benefits with the painting technique that you are learning with. You will make a lot of beautiful mistakes on your painting journey. However, you don't really need to focus on each possible mistake as they will be your stepping stone to every knowledge that you gain. There are no rules as how you wanted to start with ay painting technique and which one must be the first one to get familiarize with. Every learning and exposure depending on the artist willingness to learn and the ability to cope with every situation, technique, and experience.

Best Painting Medium For Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Technique Application

Watercolor painting medium is one of the best mediums you can try your wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry painting technique. As watercolor is a unique and transparent painting medium.This allows an artist to see the difference of each painting technique that they are using on their every painting sessions.

Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique
Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique

There are many ways on how you can make the most of each painting technique per painting media that you are using. It is the exposure and experimentation that allows an artist to get the full details of the painting technique that you are trying to learn with. It is with different style and not creating limitations with every technique that you wanted to understand.

There are many ways on how you can try using the wet-on-wet painting technique. If for example, you are working with watercolors and shapes, then you can try to bleed the colors with the wet-on-wet painting technique. Bleeding colors is when you apply the certain color on the top of the still wet colors and you can see how the new color invades or bleeds on top of the previous color until it occupies the whole shape. The effects are beyond magnificent and unique. As you cannot just create those colors with the ordinary traditional application of paints.

One more reason to use a wet-on-wet painting technique is if you are creating landscapes. The view of a certain place or the sky on a lovely sunset can even be a great option to try with. Don't settle with just a couple of colors for the blending process but experiment more with a lot of colors together. The lovely and relaxing sunset, if you will try to notice is like a collection of different strokes of brushes and a mixture of wonderful colors aligned with each other in a harmonious way.

Take a walk or just marvel with how nature uses the different color combinations and try working on them on your painting surface or canvas with your watercolors or any painting media that you are comfortable with. You will see the results and will really like how you can create such beauty in no time. However, don't rush things up with you. Be kind to yourself. It is okay to not know all the painting techniques. All that matters is you are trying one small step at a time.

Other Painting Technique That You Must Try For Your Next Painting Session

Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique
Wet-On-Wet And Wet-On-Dry Painting Technique

There are many other painting techniques you can try with your every painting sessions. It is just how you wanted to start and how you much eager you wanted to learn. Painting has no set boundaries for every artist. There are no written setbacks as for artist limitations on what knowledge must they learn first. There are no specific rules and guidelines to which is the best painting technique. There is some artist who works on this painting medium and not on the other painting media. This certain technique works on one artist while the other preferred this one.

You can try different painting techniques with different painting media. There are some techniques that are best to try with watercolors, or acrylics but not so ideal for oil paints and pastels. It all entirely depends on the artist own version of creating and simplified painting techniques.

Like for example, if you will be using the scumbling technique. It will create a great deal of contrast and temperature to your painting surface. Scumbling technique can be done on almost any painting media as long as you make sure you are doing it properly to get the right effects.

Never limit the knowledge that you can get with every painting technique that you will and have learned. You can then mix these painting techniques afterward if you wanted to. As long as you are enjoying what you are doing is that matters with creating artworks.

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Wet On Dry Watercolor Technique


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