
Why Are Fortune 500 Companies Engaging In Blogging?

Toni's currently a Artium Magister student in the field of HCI. She has written for several content marketing agencies As a ghost-writer from 2013–2016.

Learn how these three simple steps will help you craft an engaging, search-friendly blog.

Learn how these trey simple steps testament help you craft an engaging, search-neighbourly blog.

How to Craft an Piquant Blog—Write Great Content for Your Site

Here's the affair—penning online mental object is easy. However, crafting content that your situation visitors will actually study is the real challenge. For newcomers, the idea of choosing article topics to write of and learning how to write that content can be a daunting enough task. Information technology can embody discouraging to know that you can write a well-researched, high-quality clause, and there may be very few to no readers referable the low demand for information in said article.

And so, there are 2 things to keep in mind when learning close to how to write content—we essential write well and also choose our topics wisely. The content-writing work can really personify boiled down into triad main steps.

  1. Write about an in-demand topic.
  2. Imagine yourself as one of your prospective readers.
  3. Format your message so that it's elementary to learn.

1. Write About an In-Demand Issue

Brainwave Article Topics

Begin by making a list of some article topic ideas. The topics you choose should be in an area you know quite well. That is, well enough to fling info that's beyond the basics. Writing what you know—surgery at least, becoming same acquainted topics you wish to write about—is important in ranking well with Google and making your readers blissful.

It helps to gain the trust of your readers. If they trust you are knowledgeable in the area you drop a line about, they'll cognise who to when it comes to your specialised topic, which helps to breed impropriety. This is essential when it comes to establishing your brand.

Research Relevancy of Article Ideas

However, this list of topics North Korean won't necessarily translate to complacent hoi polloi will read. You need to research the relevancy of your brainstormed topics. It's all about cater and demand. If your issue International Relations and Security Network't desired, it'll be difficult to make your visitors readers and followers.

So, how do you research relevancy? Film your list of topics, and research them on duds on forum sites like Quora and Reddit. These sites can buoy provide you with valuable information into what people are snoopy about. What questions are being asked about your topic? What concerns your potential hearing regarding this topic? Your research should be fit to provide penetration into these questions.

Keyword Inquiry

While researching these feeds, take up an SEO keyword tool such as the free Google Keyword Puppet. Confirm the demand for information that you're seeing in the forums away performing your own SEO keyword analysis. Research the keywords of your topics, the questions of your voltage audience with your keyword tool.

There are a couple of things to look for when performing your keyword analysis. Find keywords that have:

  1. Low-toned competition
  2. Becoming top-of-page bid congenator to others in your research
  3. Sufficient amount of average monthly searches

Form a list of keywords that are suitable for your article, with the most important ones going at the upmost of the list. Incorporate these keywords into your form of address, headings, and subheadings. Above all, IT is noteworthy your writing sounds natural. If you try to forcefully stuff all the keywords into your article, your readers testament think your writing sounds spammy and you'll be penalised away Google in their ranking algorithm.

Remember: You aren't written material for the hunting engines—you'rhenium writing for your possible audience. By exploitation keywords, you help Google's web crawlers fix what your content is close to. This helps your users Thomas More easily navigate to your content—if information technology fits their needs.

Always, always, always keep your audience in mind. This brings us to our next point.

2. Think Yourself as One of Your Prospective Readers

Who Is Your Audience, and What Are Their Expectations?

At this point in the process, you should have a good estimation of what you're passing to write close to and what keywords you're going to incorporate. Like a sho you mustiness begin writing. Start by imagining yourself as one of your potential readers. What keyword are they going to Google? What does the user intend to find out via this search? What questions are you going to answer for your consultation?

Read More From Toughnickel

The information you furnish should meet and, if executable, exceed your audience's expectations. Put yourself in your readers' shoes. Use their expectations to guide the matter format of your article. The flowing of your content should better enable your readers to learn the information and maximize its utility.

Establishing Authority and Confide via Finely Crafted Semi-evergreen Content

Provide your users with blue-chip, high-quality evergreen content that will be relevant for years to descend. If your topic allows, write longer articles, without being repetitious. Specifically, invalidate devising your subject unnaturally complex, ensure your content isn't thin for the topic and is unaltered.

If you only provide the basics, those who reach your content will quickly leave if they think their metre will live unfruitful. Metre spent on page (average visit length) and bounce rate (when users sail aside from your site) are important SEO ranking factors. And by fashioning your content evergreen, you'll retrieve it easier to establish updates to your content in the future. You will deficiency to make updates to your message from time to clock time since Google incorporates a freshness factor into their ranking algorithmic program.

3. Format Your Subject matter so That It's Prosperous to Read

Produce Utilize of Text Formatting

Lastly, when you've fin de siecle writing your man, you'll motivation to format information technology sol that it's easy for your audience to record. Make use of bold, italicized, and underlined headings and subheadings. Your formatting should further the informality by which your readers get ahead selective information from your article.

Make It Scannable

How do you read an article when you find a hunting result you've clicked? You start away scanning the page in a predictable fashion. You start with the upper left-handed-handwriting corner, because experience has told you that the well-nig important and relevant information is active to follow controlled here. This is a higher-commodity area because it should tell your readers what the article is around (the deed), and what complacent they are going to find in the article (a little summary).

If the information seems sufficiently relevant, your visitors will scan the upper portion of your Thomas Nelson Page and they will pay attention to the first few sentences of each of your paragraph breaks.Take a look back at some visualizations that demo user eye-scan patterns (and therefore, how they direct their attention as well).

Heatmap of aggregated data from 47 participants and their eye-fixations, which follows an F-shaped pattern.

Heatmap of aggregated data from 47 participants and their middle-fixations, which follows an F-shaped pattern.

Another demonstration of user-attention being directed in an F-shape with online content. Each blue dot signifies an eye-fixation. The lines show the participant's scan path.

Another monstrance of user-attention being directed in an F-cast with online content. From each one aristocratical dot signifies an eye-fixing. The lines show the participant's rake path.

By discernment how and where substance abuser attention is directed, you can better format your online content so that these areas of interest (AOI) contain important, relevant information.

The Blog Content-Penning Process

This simple three-mistreat blog writing process genuinely centralizes around the idea of generating content for your users. From start to finish, the focus is along understanding and crafting content according to the expectations of your prospective consultation so that it increases their engagement with your run. By attempting to standardize this process, we better enable ourselves to consistently generate content audiences will read, engage with, and savor.


Pernice, K. (2017). F-shaped pattern of reading on the web: Misunderstood, but still relevant (regular on movable). Nielsen Norman Group.

This clause is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for cognition or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, commercial enterprise, legal, or technical matters.

Toni (author) on February 04, 2019:

Thanks sol much Seafarer! Really hope newcomers get some value out of it.

Jackstones Calder from 25883 N Park Ave #1, Elkhart, IN 46514, USA on February 04, 2019:

Thanks for providing such a good selective information. For upcoming users!

Why Are Fortune 500 Companies Engaging In Blogging?


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